Road Work – Beacon Hills and East Crescentville

One of the biggest budget items every year for the City is road maintenance – a notable city website with details on public works projects can be found here.  There are two items I wanted to highlight:

Beacon Hills Subdivision Roads

As part of the multiyear road improvement program this past fall the Beacon Hills subdivision had storm catch basin reconstruction, installation of downspout collector lines, replacement of curbs, spot sidewalk repairs, pavement repairs, application of Cape seal process throughout the subdivision.  There were issues identified by both the City and residents immediately following this work including the lawn repair related to the curb as well as the general quality of the cape seal repair.  The cape seal process is a less expensive process that full resurfacing but can lead to a rougher finish.  Springdale had used this successfully in other subdivisions and had been satisfied.  The Cape Seal process tends to be rougher at first but tends to improve over time as the top coat works itself in and presses out.

The application in Beacon Hills while it did improve from the initial first months does not seem to be as well ‘finished’ as other applications in the City.  In the past Council Capital Committee meeting we discussed putting a more full resurface in this subdivision into the plan – in the near term (meaning planning and bidding possibly occurring this year).  I continue to push for this as I feel the way the current streets are finished is unacceptable.

East Crescentville

Butler County and the City of Sharonville have Crescentville road work in planning now for construction starting around the March 2022 time frame.  The proposed work crosses all three jurisdictions with the Northside (westbound) lanes being part of Butler County and the South (depending on how far East being part Springdale or Sharonville).

The project will provide 3 lanes (1-eastbound thru lane, 1-westbound thru lane and a center 2-way left turn lane). Immediately east of Commerce Park Drive there will be an additional lane for west bound right turns onto Commerce Park Drive.

The majority of the project is being paid by Butler County and Sharonville though SPringdale is managing the project as the ‘lead’.  Noteworthy is that this will be an opportunity to resurface that stretch of roadwork in conjunction with Butler County (to avoid a weird and potentially unsafe situation where some lanes are resurfaced and others not.   This work will not extend or take yard away from Springdale residents, it will however add some areas with dedicated turn lanes and middle turn lanes where there are not now which should help with traffic flow.

Notably traffic is expected to be maintained throughout the project.


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