City Council met for its regular meetings in February and March with largely administrative work. At the March 15th meeting Council had a very informative presentation from Metro about their upcoming Pilot of a public ‘lyft’ type program – MetroNow. Of Community interest:
- MetroNow Presentation
- Vehicles Impounding (Ordinance 04-2023) and Liability for Parking Violations (Ordinance 11-2023)
MetroNow Presentation
Have you heard? Metro has chosen Springdale as one of its two pilot locations for the new mobility on demand program called “MetroNow”. In a nutshell the MetroNow allows anyone to get a ride from their doorstep (or anywhere else in the ‘zone’) to any other spot inside the ‘zone’ for a per rider fee (~2$)… A lot of good things happening with this program and at the March 15th meeting Mr. Khaled Shammout, Chief Strategic Planning, Development, & Innovation Officer with Metro provided and update on the upcoming MetroNow program. His full presentation can be found below including this summary slide and map of the ‘Springdale’ service area (which include parts of Woodlawn and Sharonville too!)

The service uses a custom app, and rides can also be reserved via a phone call:

More details can be found at Metro’s Facebook Link and Metro website Link
Full presentation here: Springdale_Presentation-to-Council_3-15-2023_v1.1.pdf
Vehicle Impounding and Liability for Parking Violations in Springdale
Over two meetings minor but significant updates were made to vehicle rules in Springdale. The first – Ordinance 04-2023 updated the law to allow the Police Department to remove vehicles from illegally parked spots along temporary road maintenance and construction areas where temporary signage is present. Administration clarified that there is typically at least 24 hours notice at the least and the Police department makes reasonable efforts to contact the owner before towing.
The second update is well described in the City Administrators report from 2/15:

So the update in Ordinance 11-2023 clarified that on face the registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for parking violations unless there are other circumstances.
What do you think? Let your elected officials know!
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Related Links
Note – on July 31, 2023 Springdale released a new website and previous links were not maintained as well as many minutes and agendas offline.
Past Minutes and Agendas:
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Previous Links:
ICRC Meeting Recording Link (2/1), Link (2/15), Link (3/1), Link (3/15)
Written Minutes Link (2/1), Link (2/15), Link (3/1), Link (3/15)
Agenda Link (2/1), Link (2/15), Link (3/1), Link (3/15)